Calendar Ortodox

by AdrianSoftDev



The "Orthodox Calendar" application is completely offline, does not require an internet connection during use.Holidays are transcribed from the official website.The red button is important for that holiday.The green button represents the day.The application is easy to use, it is updated to the 2022 calendar.It is very easy to access, has a calendar-specific interface.Notifications appear in the morning (8:00 AM).This calendar is aimed at Orthodox Christians.Features:⚫ Notifications on important holidays⚫ The ability to search for a specific holiday by its name⚫ Church ordinances⚫ Public holidays and national holidays⚫ Orthodox fasting days⚫ Orthodox radio stations (Trinitras, Lumina, Doxologia, OrtodoxRadio)⚫ Includes information about saints, celebrations, if weddings, baptisms, etc. are allowed ...⚫ No internet required⚫ Simple and modern interface⚫ Church ordinances⚫ Adapting the application interface to the "dark" and "light" modes of the phone